The Photographers

Areas photographed: Old Sawmills Road, Pioneer Road, Regal Way, The Lees, Westbrook, Willes Close

Steve and Jenny Braithwaite

Steve Braithwaite
Jenny Braithwaite

I seem to remember our original conversation ran something like this:

Hilary: " I've got a friend who's photographing every house in her village, as a Millennium project. - We could do that".

Jenny: "What a good idea!, why don't we?? ..and so the idea was born!

You know our names, if not our faces from the 'What's On' which we started nineteen years ago and have until recently when we handed over to someone else.

We've lived in Faringdon for 21 years and our three kids have all attended Faringdon Infants, Junior and Secondary school.

Jenny is living in Hungary until June (although will be home to help with this exhibition) where she has used the 'Virtual Tour' on this CD as an aid for teaching English!