
Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee 2022

During Thursday 2nd and Sunday 5th June 2022 a variety of events took place in the town to celebrate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee. It being 70 years since she became queen upon her father’s death in 1952.

The celebrations in Faringdon kicked off on the Thursday evening with the lighting of a beacon in the Market Place.

Platinum Jubilee ProgrammePlatinum Jubilee Folly TowerPlatinum Jubilee FaringdonPlatinum Jubilee Beacon

On Saturday the Royal British Legion did a parade through the Market Place. But first it was announced by Dave Headey, the deputy to the deputy town crier conscripted specifically for this occasion.

Platinum Jubilee Town CrierPlatinum Jubilee ParadeRoyal British Legion Parade

On Sunday the White Horse Rotary Group organised a ‘Picnic in the Park’ event at Tuckers Park. There were lots of activities laid on for children from face painting to go-carts.

Faringdon Platinum Jubilee Posters (pdf)

Researched and compiled by Ian Lee, June 2022.

Page first published 05-06-2022 | Last updated 08-06-2022 | Copyright © 2018-2024 Ian Lee | All rights reserved.