
Housing Developments

Faringdon Map 1910
Map showing that housing in the early 1900s was mainly strung along the roads close to the town centre.
Faringdon Aerial 1935
1935 Aerial view of Faringdon looking east from Lechlade Road.

In the early 1900s, houses were mainly strung along the roads in the central area of the town and was much as it is now although a few buildings have since been demolished and rebuilt. There were also a few houses well spaced further out of town along the exit roads. As the century progressed the gaps were slowly filled in by locally-based builders producing ribbon developments, especially along Park Road, Coxwell Road, Highworth Road and Fernham Road. Strangely though, the total population of around 3000 hardly changed since the 1831 census; it dipped around 10% during the 1920s and 30s between the wars, then rose 20% during the post-war baby boom to become only the 3207 recorded in the 1951 census.

Housing Estates
Housing estates built since the 1950s.

From the late 1940’s, big national building companies started looking at Faringdon and buying up farm land on which to build large housing estates. Also, following the closure of the railway in 1963 industrial developments started to build up along Park Road on the land left behind by the railway.

The following is a list of housing estates grouped into decades in which they were built. They are numbered the same as on the map on which each decade is colour-coded. This is a rough guide largely based on memory and old photographs so may not be completely accurate.

1940s/50s (pop. c3¼k)

1a. Goodlake Avenue, Bennett Road & Pye Street (south off Ferndale Street)
1b. Marlborough Gardens (south off Park Road)

Goodlake Avenue 2000
1a. Goodlake Ave & Bennett Rd (south off Ferndale Street).100+ houses.
Marlborough Gardens 2000
1b. Marlborough Gardens (south off Park Road). Late 1940s/50s.

1960s (pop. c3½k)

2a. The Lees & Westbrook (west off Southampton Street)
2b. Westland Road (south off Highworth Road)
2c. Folly View Road & Leamington Drive (east off Fernham Road)
2d. Carters Crescent (west off Fernham Road)

Lees Westbrook 2000
2a. The Lees & Westbrook (west off Southampton Street). 62 houses 1970s.
Westland Road 2020
2b. Westland Road (south off Highworth Road). 55 houses 1960.
Folly View Road 2020
2c. Folly View Road (east off Fernham Road).36 houses.
Leamington Drive 2020
2c. Leamington Drive (east off Fernham Road).19 houses.
Carters Crescent 2020
2d. Carters Crescent (west off Fernham Road)

1970s (pop. c3½-4½k)

3a. Lansdown Road & Brackendale Sheltered Housing (south off Ferndale Street – old workhouse site)
3b. Marines Drive & Town End Road (off Butts Close)
3c. The Pines (east off Canada Lane)
3d. Orchard Hill (north off Highworth Road)
3e. Eagles (west off Park Road)

Lansdown Road 2000
3a. Lansdown Road (south off Ferndale Street – old workhouse site). 75 houses 1971
Marines Drive 2000
3b. Marines Drive & Town End Road (off Butts Road. 100 houses..
The Pines 2000
3c The Pines (east off Canada Lane).
Orchard Hill 2020
3d. Orchard Hill (north off Highworth Road).
Eagles 2000
3e. Eagles (west off Park Road).

1980s (pop. c4½-5k)

4a. Berner’s Way – top section (south off Stanford Road)
4b. Willes Close (west off Southampton Street – old school site). This was a self-build scheme in 1988 where residents built their own homes. It was named after the headmaster of the Faringdon Secondary
Modern School, who was the rather fearsome Arnold Willes.

Berners Way North 2000
4a. Berner’s Way – top section (south off Stanford Road). 30 houses1982/83.
Willes Close 2000
4b. Willes Close (west off Southampton Street – old school site). 22 houses 1987.

1990s (pop. c5-6k)

5a. Tuckers Road (south off Stanford Road past Berner’s Way)
5b. Nursery View (south off Stanford Road past Tuckers Road)
5c. Berner’s Way – bottom section (south off Stanford Road)
5d. Badger’s Walk – Coleshill Drive (west off Coxwell Road)
5e. Coxwell Gardens (east off Coxwell Road)

Stanford Road Tuckers 1994
5a. Tuckers Road (south off Stanford Road) past Berner’s Way. 148 flats & houses 1988.
Nursery View 2000
5b. Nursery View (south off Stanford Road past Tuckers Road), 66 houses 1984.
Berners Way South 2000
5c. Berner’s Way – bottom section (south off Stanford Road).
Coxwell Rd Coleshill Drive 2000
5d. Badger’s Walk – Coleshill Drive (west off Coxwell Road), 109 houses 1998.
Coxwell Gardens 1994
5e. Coxwell Gardens (east off Coxwell Road).

2000s (pop. c6-7k)

6a. Volunteer Way & Palmer Road (north off Park Road)
6b. Stallard Close & Wearn Road (east off Coxwell Road)
6c. Fernham Gate (east off end of Fernham Road)

Health Centre Site 2001
6a. Volunteer Way & Palmer Road (north off Park Road).
Stallard Close 2020
6b. Stallard Close (east off Coxwell Road).
Wearn Road 2020
6b. Wearn Road (east off Coxwell Road) 11 houses, 2003.
Fernham Gate 2020
6c. Fernham Gate (east off end of Fernham Road), 33 houses 2003.

2010s (pop. c7-10k)

7a. Fern Hill Gardens – Holmes Road (west off Coxwell Road)
7b. Faringdon Fields – Ampthill Way (east off Coxwell Road)
7c. Fernham Fields – Blackthorn (east off Coxwell Road)

Fern Hill Gardens
7a. Fern Hill Gardens – Holmes Road (west off Coxwell Road).
Faringdon Fields 2020
7b. Faringdon Fields – Ampthill Way (east off Coxwell Road).
Fernham Fields 2020
7c. Fernham Fields – Blackthorn (next east off Coxwell Road) 250 houses 2018.

2020s (pop. c10-12k+)

8a. Oriel Gardens (right off Park Road past Sandhill Lane)
8b. Bellmount View (left off Highworth Road past Westland Road)

Oriel Gardens 2020
8a. To be Oriel Gardens 2020 (right off Park Road past Sandhill Lane).
Oriel Gardens 2021
8a. Oriel Garden, 500 houses & a school under development, 2021-22
Highworth Road Bellmount View 2020
8b. To be Bellmount View 2020 (left off Highworth Road past Westland Road).
Highworth Road Bellmount View 2021
8b. Bellmount View, 190 new homes under development, 2021-22.

Researched by Ian Lee, July 2020.

Page first published 23-07-2020 | Last updated 10-05-2023 | Copyright © 2018-2024 Ian Lee | All rights reserved.