Advertisements in Local Media
The following shops and businesses were advertising as being or are known to have been in Gloucester Street, Faringdon in the years stated. Some of those listed here do not appear anywhere else as it has not yet been possible to locate their exact address. The rest provide some of the evidence used to compile the full history on the main page Shops & Businesses in Gloucester Street.:
BUTLER A.E., surgeon dentist, Gloucester St, FA 1891, 1897, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1907, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919.
CHRISTOPHER BICE, estate agent, 20 Gloucester Street, FCC 2006. Closed Nov 2019. #20
COBDEN ARTHUR F., accountant etc, Gloucester St, FA 1902, 1903, 1904, 1907, 1909.
DeBANK Robin, Gloucester St, car repairs, FDS 1985
EILEEN GIBBS, 26 Gloucester Street. Hairstylist. FV 1972. #26
ELISABETH, Ladies’ Hairdresser, Gloucester Street, FCP 1953. #26?
ELMS VETERINARY SERVICE, 30 Gloucester St, FF 2002, FCC 2006. #30
FARINGDON POTTERY SHOP, 9 Gloucester St, FDS 1978. #9
FOCUS VIDEO LIBRARY, 30 Gloucester St, FDS 1987. #30
HICKS T. H., Confectioners & Grocers, The Model Bakery, Gloucester Street, FCP 1953. #56
W. INDGE & SONS, Proprietor: H. B. lndge, Coal and Coke Merchants, Gloucester Street, FCP 1953. (Harold’s business was frequently said to be in Gravel Walk)
JOHN MAXWELL, Health & Beauty Studio, FDS 1985, Oakley House, Gloucester St. #26 (moved 1987 to 2 London St.)
LADIES’ SCHOOL, Gloucester St, FA 1895 Miss Cadel & Mademoiselle Bap, 1907 Mrs G.E.Bye, 1916 Mrs Bye & Miss Bye. 1914 advert. #24 The Elms.
LANGFORD’S, 10 Gloucester Street, corn, seed, garden & pet requirements, flowers, FCP 1953, FV 1972, 1973. FDS 1978, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989. #10
LILES A. J., Pianos and Musical Instruments, Gloucester Street, FCP 1953.
MAGPIES EMPORIUM, 28a Gloucester Street. House clearance and salvage. FF 1989. #28a
MOORE N.B. CARS, Langham’s Yard – rear of 20 Gloucester Street, FDS 1987, 1988, 1989. #20 (moved to Park Rd 1990)
NICHOL J. & E. 22 Gloucester Street. Wedding receptions. FV 1972. Presumably became ELSIE NICHOL & SUE ALLEN, no address, FDS 1984, 1985, 1987. #22
PORTER F.W., corn & seed merchant, Gloucester St, FA 1891, 1894, 1902, 1903, 1907, 1909, 1919. #12-10
REGENT CINEMA, Faringdon, FCP 1953.
ROBERTS G. (Farm Supplies) Ltd., Gloucester Street, FDS 1978. #3
SEEBIC & CO, Gloucester Street, estate agent, FDS 1985. #20
SHEPPARD JOSEPH Junr, undertaker, Gloucester St, FA 1903, 1904.
WEAVER WILLIAM, Haulier & Contractor, Gloucester Street, FA 1909.
WEAVER W & SONS, Faringdon, steam & haulage contractors, FA 1914, 1915.
YEATMAN A.E., ladies tailors & habit maker, Gloucester St., FA 1895, 1903, 1904, 1907, 1909, 1914, 1915, 1916. Probably same shop as #10 Corn Market, which is at the start of Gloucester Street.
Media Key: FA = Faringdon Advertiser; FDS = Faringdon Dramatic Society; FV = Faringdon Venture; FF = Faringdon Folly; DG = Directory & Gazetteer of Oxon, Berks & Bucks (Dutton, Allen & Co. 1863); FCP = Faringdon Coronation Celebrations Programme 1953; FCC = Faringdon Chamber of Commerce 2006.
The following traders were listed in the Directory & Gazetteer of Oxon, Berks & Bucks (Dutton, Allen & Co. 1863):
Baker John, market gardener and seedsman, Gloucester Street
Belcher Wm., tailor and postman, Gloucester Street
Bradfield Henry, carrier, Gloucester Street
Charlwood Robert, maltster and corn merchant, Gloucester Street
Hicks Samuel, baker, Gloucester Street
Kent John, carrier, Gloucester Street
Piggott Hugh, baker, Gloucester Street
Poore Thomas, corn dealer, Gloucester Street
Reynolds Wm. Brooks, solicitor, Gloucester Street
Ryman George, Duke of Wellington, Gloucester Street
Smith Charles, shoemaker, Gloucester Street
Townsend George and James, wheelwrights, Gloucester Street
Townsend William, wheelwright, Gloucester Street
Webb Jesse, rope maker, Gloucester Street
White George, hair cutter, Gloucester Street
White John, currier and leather cutter, Gloucester Street
Woodley Charles, Welsh Harp, Gloucester Street
Young John, butcher, Gloucester Street
Researched by Ian Lee, December 2020.